Rural Electrical Services

At Longhorn Electrical, we understand the inherent challenges and distinct electrical and technology requirements of acreages, farms, and ranch properties, having grown up on farms. We offer complete rural solutions for all your rural electrical and low voltage needs.


Many rural clients we work with express their frustration with the lack of available coverage. Those that do have it, regularly deal with intermittent internet access and poor cellular reception. This makes it challenging to operate onsite businesses and utilize all the industry technology available, that requires connectivity. Our solutions offer reliable service with full speed and bandwidth, while providing business class security. Once we establish proper service, we can then network to multiple buildings, allowing our rural clients to be fully connected for all their personal and business needs.


Well-lit rural properties are a key factor in improving productivity, ensuring workplace safety, and increasing energy efficiency. Research also shows that animal-centric lighting systems positively affect the physiological and biological processes in farm animals. We have helped many rural clients implement flexible, low-maintenance LED lighting systems for their property and buildings. This has greatly improved their ability to safely execute daily tasks, particularly during the early morning and late-night hours. LED lighting cuts power consumption in half, lasting significantly longer than incandescent lights and they aren’t susceptible to weather changes. Our life-changing lighting systems can be controlled anywhere, anytime with a touch of a button or through an automated schedule.


Whether our customers own a residential acreage, working farm or ranch, or an equestrian facility, the day-to-day operations are complex, and efficiencies can be maximized through technology solutions. Automation can improve productivity when it comes to monitoring breeding operations remotely, providing security access control for visitors coming and going, to controlling lights and thermostats in multiple buildings from a smart device, along with many more applications.


A significant concern for our rural customers is safety and security. Many have faced vandalism and theft of fuel, machinery, and livestock. Our robust security systems with strategically placed, state of the art cameras, allow our customers to monitor their properties 24/7, anywhere in the world. This in combination with a well-lit property and motion activated lighting, greatly deters rural thefts.


The installation of a generator can be extremely useful on a rural property, to prevent disruption of day-to-day operations due to a power outage.  Generators that power multiple systems must be installed by a Master Electrician to avoid system failure or damage to appliances due to a faulty installation. Whether your generator is fueled by natural gas, propane, oil, or diesel, it still connects to your properties electrical system. We can help you match the wattage of the generator to your needs and determine what you would want to be powered during a black out, ensuring all the connections between the generator and your electrical system are properly set-up to avoid any operational issues.